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g r e e r t o w n s h e n d
h e a r t
n o o s a r e g i o n a l g a l l e r y . a p r i l 2 9 - j u n e 1 1
Heart, a series of drawings on large unfolded origami hearts, depicts the moments in life we fold-up to keep and unfold to re-live. The otherworldly secrets of our most vital organ are explored through kirigami (paper-cuttting) and archetypal imagery such as body-prints, butterflies and woven baskets. Interlaced, these ideas highlight the fragility of the soul, while inviting viewers to ask themselves what they hold dear. these works I see a lovely resonance with our most precious relationships and communication with others – there is an exchange - that as we give and share something of ourselves, the space within, the relationship between - grows stronger.
Like the paper itself, Greer’s artworks encapsulate qualities of fragility and resilience reminiscent of our inner feelings....
- NicolA Moss, Kirigami artist
Exhibition Review by Carolyn Drought Leblang:
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